How Does Aging Affect Fertility in Men?

Male infertility changes with age. In our society, you might have heard a lot of people claiming that fertility and age are only applicable to women. Although the fertility cycle is prominent in the peak reproductive years in women, however, the biological clock in men also impacts fertility. The Best Male Infertility Specialist in Ahmedabad at WINGS IVF Hospital observed that the highest quality of semen in men is produced between the age of 30 to 35 years. On the other hand, the lowest quality sperm is produced after the age of 55 years.
Sperm Motility and Age
Sperm motility refers to the ability of the sperm to swim. The sperm has to travel from the vagina to the ovaries to initiate pregnancy in a woman. Hence, it is a determining factor in conception. It has been found that sperm motility is highest before the age of 25 and lowest after the age of 55 years.
If we talk about “good swimming” sperms in men, these are produced between the age of 30-35 years. This is one of the main reasons why this age is considered significant for reproduction in men. The sperm motility decreases by 54% with ageing and is lowest from the age of 55 years.
Sperm Count, Concentration and Age
Sperm count refers to the number of sperms produced per ejaculation. A low sperm count reduces your chances of getting pregnant. Studies have revealed that the sperm concentration or count in ejaculation decreases with age. This greatly impacts the couple's ability to conceive naturally.
Genetic Problems
Apart from producing low-quality sperms, age also greatly affects the genetic quality of sperms. The chances of genetic and chromosomal abnormalities are high in men with advanced age. These defects in the sperm may result in:
- Reduced fertility.
- High chances of miscarriage.
- High chances of birth defects.
- High chances of stillbirths.
Older men are not only responsible for infertility but also pass serious genetic problems to their children. The age of both men and women can put the life of a child at risk with birth defects. The most common defect observed in this case is Down’s syndrome. In addition to this syndrome, the other health conditions that may occur are:
- Autism.
- Bipolar disorder.
- Childhood leukaemia.
- Schizophrenia.
- Achondroplasia.
Male Age and In-vitro Fertilization (IVF)
The Male Infertility Treatment Centre in Ahmedabad observes a wide range of male infertility cases. Couples undergo various therapies and take help from assisted reproductive technology such as IVF to conceive. It has been found that the age of males also directly impacts the success of IVF. Advanced age reduces the motility in sperm and produces low-quality embryos (fertilized eggs). Although a woman does get pregnant, the child, however, may suffer from genetic disorders.
Male infertility can be treated. The doctors at WINGS IVF Hospital follow a structured approach to diagnose and treat male infertility. State-of-the-art facilities enable the diagnosis of even severe male infertility cases. Moreover, the available treatments such as intrauterine insemination, intracytoplasmic sperm injection, and IVF ensure that the embryo is free from genetic abnormalities.
To Sum It Up
Keeping the traditional stereotypes at bay, fertility in men is affected by age. When it comes to conception, the biological clock is significant in both males and females. Going beyond a certain age or waiting too long for pregnancy deteriorates the quality of gametes in both genders.
If you are dealing with infertility or having trouble conceiving, our Best Male Infertility Specialist at WINGS IVF Hospital can help you. Reach out to us today.